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Power Broom Artificial Turf Maintenance Equipment

Are you struggling to keep your artificial lawn looking as good as it did on installation day? Look no further than power brooms for artificial turf. These tools are essential for maintaining a pristine lawn and require much less effort than manual brushes or rakes.

As a resident of Las Vegas, you know how important it is to have a beautiful lawn all year round. Using a manual brush may fluff up your turf blades, but it won’t provide the deep cleaning that an artificial turf power broom can. With its motor, a power broom can effortlessly brush the synthetic fibers of your lawn while simultaneously setting the infill down at the base. This helps to remove lodged debris, pet hair, and anything else that may be weighing down the grass and blocking drainage in your yard.

The main advantage of using an artificial turf power brush is that it helps to maintain your lawn’s appearance. By brushing the grass blades in opposite directions, the process of defibrillation makes the turf fibers stand sturdier and tugs the internal thatch upwards, giving your lawn a plusher and more attractive look.

U.S Power Broom

  • Exclusive U.S. Distributor
  • Artificial Turf Maintenance Equipment
  • Keep Your Turf Standing Up & Free of Organic Debris
Super Broom

Roll & Comb 502

110V Electric Motor • 40cm Working Width • Easy Assembly with Foldable Handle.

The Roll & Comb 502 sweeper cleans and collects the moss, leaves, pine needles and other debris from the artificial grass while combing and elevating the grass fibers. It is light and with its adjustable handlebar design facilitates the use and correct position of the work. Its brushing system, with excellent quality nylon bristles, sends the waste to the collection bag. In addition, it has working height regulation to regulate the intensity of the sweep.

All units are made for use in the United States with 110 power outlets.

Yellow lawn mower with a brush on top, featuring Roll & Comb 141E, in Las Vegas, NV

Roll & Comb 141E

110V Electric Motor • 40cm Working Width • Easy Assembly with Foldable Handle.

This power brush helps clean the leaves, pine needles and other debris from the lawn while fluffing-up and brushing up the turf fibers. Thanks to its low weight and its adjustable handlebar design, it helps maintain the correct working position. It is easy to carry and store and ideal for artificial turf lawns.

All units are made for use in the United States with 110 power outlets.

Super Broom

Roll & Comb 302E

110V Electric Engine • 25 Liter Bag • 32cm Working Width • Foldable Handle.

Contact Us Today

Investing in a power broom for your artificial lawn is a smart choice for any Las Vegas homeowner looking to keep their lawn looking its best. Not only will it save you time and effort, but it will also help maintain a beautiful lawn that you can be proud of.

Las Vegas Artificial Lawns has been serving the local community since 2003, offering top-notch synthetic lawns and turf in areas like Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Paradise, Spring Valley, and Henderson. Our team of experts is experienced in all aspects of the process, from planning to installation, and is always happy to help. We are proud to have been awarded one of the few certifications in Nevada by the Synthetic Turf Council, which is the governing body for artificial turf companies in the US. We are also licensed by the Nevada State Contractors Board. These accolades reflect our commitment to quality and professionalism, which our customers have grown to trust and appreciate.

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